Castello Banfi

Castello Banfi

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    Banfi was founded in 1978 thanks to the will of the Italian-American brothers, John and Harry Mariani. From the beginning, the goal of the two brothers was to create a state-of-the-art winery combined with the most advanced science in the vineyards for the production of premium wines.

    Together with the Mariani family, Ezio Rivella, one of Italy'sforemost enologists, who understood that due to the richness of the soils and the privileged microclimatic position, the property would have great capacity of development.

    In those years, the brothers, John and Harry, also purchased Bruzzone, a historic winery in Piedmont. Founded in 1860 and specialized in the production of sparkling wines, today is known as Banfi Piemonte.

    The Banfi estate extends to the south of Montalcino, to the borders of the Val d’Orcia. Of the 7,100 acres of land, about one third is under vine in a constellation of single vineyards, the remainder occupied by olive groves, fruit trees (mainly plums), woods and scrub. Designed to protect the integrity and richness of the grape, the winery employs state of the art technology, the result of revolutionary technical research and innovation.

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